Aphorism - Silence

Published in Aphorisms Blog

Silence is human brain's ability to hear the nature; mind is shocked when free from artificial noise of life; all masterminds and lunatics arise from silence. You either form opinions brilliantly or become insane in the void. A little silence is enough to achieve this!
- Meo

Aphorism - Laptop Literature

Published in Aphorisms Blog

In this era when notebooks have turned into social media websites and when small pocket notebooks are replaced by cell phones in our pockets; laptop literature has evolved electronized paper tissues to colors, themes and electronic connections, but individualization of literary approach related to human, belonging to human and separating human from human has globalized and obtained a popular dimension. Laptop literature is that everybody can write while there are no changes in the fact that everybody cannot be a writer; in a welter of blood, words are leaking from humans' keyboards in this huge battlefield..
- Meo

Aphorism - Those to Beg for Forgiveness

Published in Aphorisms Blog

All dark ages, dark beliefs and dark humans constitute an apology that God-worshiped cruelly by those living as much relaxed as to get bored-should apologize from those who acquiesced while their lives were taken off ruthlessly! Rather than hiding as the author of all these, it should show up and pay the price before history; just to save us from humans who call humans to account on behalf of itself.. Or else, there is no meaning, as never before-never will be.
- Meo

Aphorism - Ideas as Weapons-Pens as Bullets

Published in Aphorisms Blog

As in the form of producing and using all weapons and bullets around the world, ideas are weapons, pens are bullets. Only thing necessary is the requirement to meet correct weapon with correct bullets; if you cannot achieve this correctly, you will become either ignorant or killer. As much as knowledge, ignorance has also been independent of time and space for thousands of years. If you cannot write down your ideas as bravely as an ignorant pulls the trigger of a gun, it means ignorance wins and you lose!
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